Thursday, 7 February 2013

Alphonse Mucha

Alphonse Mucha

Alphonse Maria Mucha was born in the town of IvanĨice, Moravia (the present Czech Republic) in 1860.

After working in Vienna as a theatre set painter, Mucha studied art in Munich and then Paris where he gained recognition as an illustrator.

In 1895 Mucha is commissioned by Champenois to create a set of decorative panels on the subject of the seasons.

Around this time, Mucha is also commissioned to design a poster for one of France's most popular brands of cigarettes.

A poster artwork from one of Mucha's solo exhibitions at the Salon Des Cent.

The Muchas holiday in Rosice, South Moravia, where Alphonse makes his earliest sketches for the Slav Epic.

During his lifetime, Mucha produced a flurry of paintings, posters, advertisements and book illustrations, as well as designs for jewellery, carpets, wallpaper, and theatre sets in what was termed initially The Mucha Style but became known as Art Nouveau (French for "new art"). 

My love of Alphonse Mucha's art inspired me to include his images in my latest jewellery collections, which can be found her via these links:

Monday, 7 May 2012

Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822

"Ladies in plain calico morning dresses and hats trimmed with ribbons and ostrich feathers." (Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Round gowns of muslin or India calico, with long sashes. The chip hat tied with a lilac handkerchief is in the gypsy fashion." (Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"The hat with the pink ribbons is worn with a long sleeve chintz dress. The others are round gowns of lawn with long coloured sashes." (Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Pink and white striped gown with sky-blue beaver hat. Muslin dress with double sleeves and hat of striped sarcenet."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"White satin dresses, muff of barbary goatskin (left and centre). Dress of muslin, muff of bearskin."(right)
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Lady seated in short peignoir and French night-cap. Lady standing in gown of fine calico and Duke of York's night-cap."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

(Left), "Round gown of clear lawn with cherry-coloured sash.
(Right), Muslin spotted with silver and headdress a la Turque."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Court dress with embroidered white crepe petticoat, body and train of carmelite coloured silk."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Court dress, body and train of lilac and silver, petticoat of festooned silver tissue. Turban headdress."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Walking dress of grey merino. Swansdown muff and rose pink satin bonnet."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Green promenade pelisse of gros de Naples and a patent lace ruff with black satin bonnet."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Morning dress of embroidered clear lawn, the cap a french cornette."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Blue silk half-dress with a blond flounce, full gauze sleeves and shirt habit."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)

"Evening dress of gossamer silk, body and spanish slashed sleeves of pink satin, cap with rosebuds."
(Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822)